Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mind, Intellect and the Choices you Make

We have two distinct entities: the mind and the intellect. The mind is the realm of emotions, impulses, likes and dislikes. The intellect is the rational, discriminating faculty. The intellect judges, discerns and distinguishes between pairs of opposites. Our actions can be driven by whims and fancies of the mind or by the clear counsel of the intellect. Impulse-led actions are weak; they lead to failure. actions propelled by the intellect take one to success. Often the mind and intellect point in different directions. The mind might go for instant gratification. The intellect might prefer short-term pain for long-term gain. Whenever there is conflict between the two it is the intellect that ought to prevail.

- Jaya Row. Visit 

Source: September 10, 2009 Times of India

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-Sanjeet Parab


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