Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Improve Writing Skills

Lastly, I think writing blogs will improve my writing skills. I passed the English AP exam in high school. I only had to take 1 literature course in college because I passed all exams that waived my english requirements. I even got a 6 on the GMAT writing section.

But if you ask me to write a poem or an essay, there is no way I can make my writing be anywhere close to creative. What you can expect from me is bullet points and short sentences. Nah. Look I don't know because the last time I did some creative writing exercise was 4.5 years ago. After that, it has all been business communication. American business communication where the sole objective is to communicate as opposed to exhibit your rhetorical skills.

Wow, this is pretty nice. I didn't know I would enjoy writing so much. Especially after being grilled by Professor Gary Grudnitski in my MBA Culminating Experience class. Now that professor is one of the sharpest people I've ever come across. Amazing man.

Okay, enough of this writing. Am going to move on to something more productive.

Don't forget to visit my website at http://www.technicalanalysisbase.com/ and my other blog at http://technicalanalysisbase.blogspot.com/

Sanjeet Parab

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